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Bing PPC Ads: The New Frontier for Staffing and Recruiting

As you may have already heard, Microsoft purchased LinkedIn in 2016. Many were wondering what the giant had in the works for the networking platform. After the acquisition, many people speculated that Microsoft planned to expand its pay per click marketing capabilities. With the purchase of LinkedIn, Bing now has a differentiator from Google to separate them from the domination of all the search traffic. 

Related Post: How Your Recruiting Firm Should Approach Competitor Negative Keywords ➢

Changes to Bing Advertising 

Bing recently announced that you can now target ads toward potential customers on LinkedIn based on their profile information. Some of the parameters include: 

  • Company, such as United Health Group, Cisco, or Boston Scientific 
  • Industry, such as Design, Health Care, or Transportation & Logistics 
  • Job function, such as Engineering, Administrative, or Accounting 

CurrentlyLinkedIn targeting is still in beta, but it’s expected to roll out to all advertisers very soon. Contact Bing ads support or you Bing account manager for details on how to get into the beta. 

The new LinkedIn profile targeting is currently available for expanded text ad campaigns, dynamic search ad campaigns, and Bing shopping campaigns. Advertisers can apply LinkedIn targeting to entire campaigns or focused on specific ad groups. 

Here is a snapshot from the Bing dashboard in the demographics tab: 

Bing dashboard




Within any one of these demographic tabs, advertisers can search for their professional target of choice and add it to their campaigns as a bid adjustment.

Related Post: PPC Match Types For Recruiters ➢

Improvements for Recruiters 

LinkedIn is already a fantastic lead generation tool for the staffing industry when trying to find great candidates. When done correctly LinkedIn advertising can also be a good client generator, specifically for companies searching for talent. If your staffing agency isnt utilizing LinkedIn for recruiting purposes, you are missing out.  

With the additional targeting now available to Bing ads, staffing agencies and recruiters can get in front of people you know are a good fit for your clients’ current openings as well as candidates you want to add to your network for future placements. 

If you aren’t already doing so, make sure and allocate some budget to Microsoft Bing when putting your yearly digital marketing plan together 

It will be exciting to see in how much this option is used and to share knowledge and best practices with other advertisers utilizing the new changes to Bing search. 

If you’re ready to expand your digital advertising efforts, the team at Parqa will help you maximize your PPC budget. 

blurred image with Google Analytics on a laptop

Proper URL Tracking Attributions Recruiting Firms Must Know

With so many options available to them, many recruiting firms just don’t know where to start when it comes to digital marketing. If you are in the recruiting and staffing industry and you’re not currently doing some sort of digital marketing, you’re behind. But now’s the time to start. 

If you found this blog post organically, I’d be willing to bet that you are performing digital marketing and are trying to figure out how to attribute marketing dollars to what is working for your firm and what is notHere are some key methods you can use to measure the effectiveness of your spending. Once you have the data, you can make informed decisions to allocate more money to the strategies that work. 

Related Post: PPC Match Types For Recruiters ➢

Let’s Talk Tracking 

If you’re not using a tracking system on your digital marketing activity, stop right now and go implement Google Analytics (GA) on your website. We’ll be looking at this platform and discussing URL tracking and specifically UTM, which are the tracking parameters GA uses. 

Once you’ve implemented GA on your site, the next step is to figure out which digital marketing activities you are currently running: PPC, SEO, LinkedIn organic, LinkedIn ads, Facebook organic or Facebook ads. After your finalized digital strategies are running, put those to the side, we’ll come back to them later. Now, go to the Google URL campaign builder. This tool helps you create the proper URL parameters making it easier to monitor how your digital activity is doing. 

URL Tracking

UTM Codes and Naming Conventions 

UTM Codes and Naming ConventionsFor example, let’s say your job link currently looks like this: 

By appending a UTM tracking query to your URL, you allow GA to collect data. Here’s an example of a proper tracking URL you might add to the above job link: 


The new tracking URL above says that you are using paid Cost per Click (CPC) to promote your job on LinkedIn. You can also put the name of the job in the utm_campaign section allowing you to easily reference the specific job. 

Some other examples of naming conventions/parameters are: 

  • utm = google analytics tracking parameters 
  • ? = triggers the tracking query after the URL 
  • & = used to separate multiple variables in the query 
  • utm_source = (google, linkedInbingfacebook) 
  • utm_medium = (cpc, social, email, display) 
  • utm_campaign = (job123, spring_sale, salaryguide2019) 
  • utm_term = (cpc keyword) 
  • utm_content = (ad title, ad dimensions) 

Not all UTM codes/parameters are needed and technically only the utm_source parameter is required. 

Using these naming conventions, you can experiment to figure out what works best for you and your firm. The one thing I want to stress is staying consistent with your naming as well as ALWAYS using lowercase naming conventions. Lowercase naming conventions help keep your data clean, making it easier in GA to gather and read the data 

For instance, if you create a lowercase name and later write the same name with uppercase letters mixed in, Google registers these as two unique tags. This will split your traffic between the lowercase source and then uppercase source. Here is an example: 

Let’s say you are tracking all your “Newsletter” traffic. If every other month you are using a capital “N”, you’ll notice in your google analytics reports that half your traffic is coming from the source “Newsletter,” and the other half is coming from “newsletter.” 

Related Post: How Your Recruiting Firm Should Approach Competitor Negative Keywords ➢

Channel Groupings 

Now back to the list you created of your digital marketing activities. Using the previous information, you can create URL tracking parameters that are consistent and match your digital marketing activities. Your data will tell the person looking at the data who, what, and where traffic is coming from. Having the proper data shown in GA allows you to see exactly where your candidates or clients are coming from. 

Example of Channel Groupings in Google Analytics: 

channel groupings

Key Takeaways 

1. Poorly executed UTM tracking can lead to inaccurate and messy data 

2. Always use lowercase UTM parameters 

3. Be consistent with your naming 

4. If you have a lot of UTM’s to build, do it in Excel 

samsung tablet with Google Adwords on the screen

Harnessing the Power of Your PPC Search Terms Report

Have you ever wondered how to scrub your Pay Per Click (PPC) account a little further than your negative keywords? Many people do not know but there is a section inside of Google AdWords called the search terms report that can help you refine your keywords.

Related Post: How Your Recruiting Firm Should Approach Competitor Negative Keywords ➢

How To Refine Your Keywords

Inside your AdWords account, go to the “Keywords” section in the grey panel on the left side of your screen. Click on “Keywords” and you will see three navigation sections. The default section highlighted when you click keywords is “Search Keywords” which contains the keywords you put into the system yourself. The next navigation section is “Negative Keywords” and to the right of that is “Search Terms”.

PPC Search Terms ReportPPC Search Terms Report

Click on the “Search Terms” section and you will see “Search Terms” and “Auction Insights.” We’ll focus on “Search Terms” for now and dive a little deeper into “Auction Insights” at another time.

The “Search Terms” section is where most of your keywords and their close variants are shown. When you’re inside the search terms report you will see similar column headers as your “Search Keywords” section. You can add and remove columns as you see fit.

The “Search Terms” section is where Google shows you what kind of help it has provided you regarding searcher intent and searches your pages showed up in that Google deemed relevant to one or more of your keywords. This sometimes can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, you want Google to send you as much traffic as possible, but on the other hand, you don’t necessarily want to pay for traffic that will not amount to a phone call or lead.

Real Life Examples

I wanted to give you an example of an account Parqa Marketing recently took over on the recruiting side. When doing a keyword audit and examining historical search terms we noticed that the company did not realize they were coming up in searches for “recruiting” that they didn’t want.

The company was using Broad Match Modifier (BMM) which is a very common match type. When using BMM you must be careful and really look at your search terms. Some of the terms we saw inside the search terms report such as “top college recruiters” or “college recruiting employment services” were irrelevant to the client.

Another nice feature offered by Google allows you to look at the match types that a search query came up for; broad, phrase, phrase match (close variant), exact match or exact match (close variant). With this report, you can save time by adding a search query as a “keyword” or negatize a query right inside the search terms report. No need to write the query down or make a note to change it later.

Related Post: PPC Match Types For Recruiters ➢

Continuous Monitoring

You should monitor your search terms report often. Some accounts that have lots of traffic and high spend amounts should be looked at daily while accounts that have minimal spending and a low amount of clicks/traffic can be looked at every few weeks. There is no silver bullet in terms of monitoring, make sure to look over the search terms going back a certain time frame to make sure you are catching the terms/searches you want to make negative or avoid.

Just because you think the spend is minimal on some of the keywords you want to make negative, don’t think that it will not have an impact. Over time if you leave bad keywords inside your search terms report without negatizing them, it could spend hundreds of dollars or even thousands of dollars. For companies on a shoestring budget that is a huge dent in marketing dollars and potential good leads lost.

In closing, make sure you monitor and utilize the search terms report often. This report can save you a lot of money and help you create a refined and effective keyword list.

man typing on tablet and reviewing graphs

PPC Match Types for Recruiters

As any recruiter knows, generating leads online has become more and more critical.  Mobile web traffic is integral, we rarely go very far without our handy-dandy smartphone nowadays.  People are more attached to their phone than their wallets.  How crazy is that?

Today I wanted to talk about match types and the importance of utilizing the right set up.  Match types in the PPC world allow you to cast a small or large net depending on your traffic goals.

Related Post: How Your Recruiting Firm Should Approach Competitor Negative Keywords ➢


Google has 4 match types for recruiters using PPC:

Broad match:

Broad match is the default match type that all your keywords are assigned. Ads may show on searches that include misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations. So, if your keyword is “women’s hats,” someone searching for “buy ladies hats” might see your ad.

Broad match modifier:

Similar to broad match, the broad match modifier option only shows ads in searches including the words designated with a plus sign (+women’s hats) or close variations of them.

Phrase match:

Ads may show on searches that match a phrase or are close variations of that phrase, with additional words before or after. Ads won’t show, however, if a word is added to the middle of the words, or if words in the phrase are reordered in any way. Designated with quotation marks (“women’s hats”).

Exact match:

Ads may show on searches that match the exact term or are close variations of that exact term. Close variations here may also include a reordering of words if it doesn’t change the meaning, and the addition or removal of function words (prepositions, conjunctions, articles, and other words that don’t impact the intent of a search). Designated with brackets, the keyword [women’s hats] could show when someone searches on Google for “hats for women.”

Related Post: Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO: What’s the Difference? ➢


How to Use Match Types

Here is an example using the keyword example finance recruiter:

Broad: finance recruiter

Broad Match Modified: +finance +recruiter

Phrase: “finance recruiter”

Exact: [finance recruiter]

The match type I really like to play with when optimizing is the broad match modified. This match type allows you to modify a specific keyword to make sure that it is in place, followed by other keywords the searcher is searching for. All while simultaneously minimizing the junk traffic to your website.

Example: +finance +recruiter

These keywords tell the system that as long (finance) & (recruiter) is in the search query, show the ad.  If someone searched IT recruiter, the keywords would not match and your ad would not show up.  This will help your ad reach a highly relevant audience, which in turn helps out your CTR and conversion rates.

Related Post: New Site Launch SEO Checklist ➢


Integrating BMM Keywords [Broad Match Modified]

One method we recommend and prioritize is different variations of Broad Match Modified (BMM) keywords. For example, you could run keyword with this match type:

+finance +recruiter

And then the next month or a certain time period run this match type:

+finance recruiter

This match will allow for more traffic but not necessarily the most relevant traffic because you can potentially pull up for tons of searches that have finance in them relating to something else other than just recruiter searches.

You really want to open up to broad matches when you feel you are not getting enough search traffic on the BMM types.  If you do open up to broad matches, make sure you have a vast negative keyword list so that you limit the amount of needless spend.  We recommend avoiding broad match for extended periods of time and watch your account like a hawk if you do so.

So, the next time someone tells you that you have an opportunity to increase overall organic visibility on your site, hear them out. Ask them pointed questions about how they plan to drive marketing success.

And if you do find yourself starting a partnership with a marketing agency, here are four ways to build an effective relationship.

laptop and notebook with report illustrations

PPC vs. SEO: Which One Should I Focus On?

When it comes to boosting traffic to your website, you have two basic options: pay-per-click (PPC) or search engine optimization (SEO).

You can pay for traffic using the PPC advertising programs provided by Google Adwords, Bing Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. They enable you to display ads in the sponsored results section of each search engine’s results page or the feed of a social media platform. You pay a fee based on how competitive your chosen keyword is and how many clicks your ad receives.

Alternatively, you can build traffic for free by increasing your rankings in the organic search results. These are the listings displayed below the paid/sponsored results. It takes time to reach the top of the organic results for the keyword(s) related to your product/service offerings, but the free targeted traffic will prove to be well worth the investment down the road.

Related Post: Top 5 Questions Business Owners Have About Digital Marketing ➢

Which approach is better?

It depends on a multitude of factors including your needs, budget, business goals, and website quality. If you want more traffic fast and are willing to pay for it, then PPC might be right for you. But if you’re operating on a smaller budget and are ok investing in something that will take time to build & see results, optimizing your site & content to help increase your organic search rankings through SEO efforts may be a better option1.

One of the biggest problems I see with many clients is that they come in wanting immediate results, whether that’s product sales, business leads, etc. The reality is that both PPC and SEO take time to build, implement, and optimize.

The other problem is that many of these clients come in with a website that’s poorly laid out (i.e. looking like they were made in the 1990s, and very little information and content around why individuals/ businesses should buy from them or utilize their services over their competitors).

Whether you choose to invest in PPC or SEO, your website has to do an efficient job of selling your services and telling visitors (directly or indirectly) why they should work with you over another company—otherwise it doesn’t matter how much you increase your traffic.

When Should I Invest in PPC?

Let’s get to it: when should you focus on PPC instead of SEO? Your company should invest in PPC if:

  • You’re looking to quickly increase the amount of traffic coming into your site (not just conversions or leads)
  • You’re willing to spend money on advertising within Google & potentially other search and social platforms
  • Your website ISN’T designed/ optimized for SEO
    • When this is the case, oftentimes we recommend our clients use a landing page creation software (i.e. Unbounce)
    • This gives us optimal control over the look and feel of the landing page we’re directing paid visitors to, and we can tailor that page towards a specific type of conversion2, without having to redesign the whole website
  • You’re looking to target a specific type of traffic (i.e. by demographic, education, hobbies, etc.)
  • You thoroughly explain why you’re better than the competition on your site

And When Should I Invest In SEO?

It’s important to remember that SEO is NOT free. No matter how you look at it, SEO comes at a cost. Whether it’s your own time or hiring an outside firm to develop or manage your SEO strategy, SEO does come with a cost. Invest in SEO if:

  • You want to invest in growing traffic for the long-run
  • You have quality pages on your site that advertise all your different products and/or services (i.e. this is what we call $$ pages)
  • You want to dominate search results for your keyword(s) category
  • You want to increase the value of your website

Related Post: How Long Does It Take for SEO to Produce Results? ➢


In an ideal world, we would look at both SEO and PPC. They both have pros and cons, but work best when supporting each other. Clients & companies who can get SEO and PPC working in tandem will often be able to drive results that are greater than their individual component parts.

1 Investing in SEO may require you to also invest in redesigning your website. You can drive all the traffic to your site, but if it doesn’t do a proper job of portraying who you are, your offerings and differentiating factors it’s not going to convert those visitors

2 A phrase used to describe the act of converting a customer who browses your site to a paying customer

man reviewing his website analytics

Two Ways to Decrease Cost Per Acquisition in Google Ads

Cost per acquisition, sometimes referred to as cost per action or simply CPA, is a metric that measures how much a company spends in order to obtain a lead or conversion. In Google Ads, cost per acquisition (CPA), is calculated by dividing the total cost by the number of conversions.

CPA = Total Cost/Conversions

The goal is to keep the CPA as low as possible. At a consistent level of spend, two of the most effective ways to decrease your Google Ads CPA are:

1. Decrease Cost-per-Click (CPC)

One way to decrease cost-per-click (CPC) is by improving the Quality Scores of your keywords. Each keyword in your Google Ads account will have a Quality Score between 1 and 10. These scores are an estimate of the quality of your ads and landing pages triggered by those particular keywords. In general, the higher the Quality Score, the lower the cost-per-click. In fact, for each point a score is above the average Quality Score of 5, the CPA will drop about 16%.

Another way to decrease your account’s CPA is to look for new keywords to use with lower CPCs. By decreasing your account’s average CPC, your website will receive more visitors at the same total cost. More traffic, at the same conversion rate, means a larger number of conversions. Therefore, if you acquire a larger number of conversions at the same total cost, you will decrease you CPA.

For Example:

Let’s say your Google Ads account has a set monthly spend of $5,000.00/month and a 7% conversion rate. The chart on the right shows the average cost-per-click you would receive based on the number of visits and conversions along with the estimated CPAs. Using this chart, we can see that if all other variables remain the same, decreasing your average cost-per-click causes your cost-per-acquisition to decrease as well.

2. Increase Conversion Rates

Another way to decrease your Google Ad account’s CPA is by improving the conversion rates of the landing pages used for you ads. By increasing the number of conversions and keeping the cost the same, you decrease the cost-per-acquisition.


For Example:

Let’s say you have a Google Ads account with a set monthly spend of $5,000.00/month and an average cost-per-click of $2.46. Using the chart on the right, you can see the conversion rates you would receive along with the number of conversions and the estimates CPA. If all other variables remain the same, increasing the conversion rate will decrease the cost-per-acquisition.

Client Case Study:

A local university that offers an online early college program for high school students approached us for help with increasing enrollment.

Our initiative with the university was to increase traffic to their Early College landing pages using paid search (PPC), improve their online conversion rate, and increase their Early College programs enrollment over the course of two months.

The Goal:

To drive awareness, generate leads, and gain a better understanding of market response in the defined geographic regions across the country in which they had no prior presence or brand awareness established. With our thorough research, well-thought-out strategy, methodical execution, and nimble response. We were able to meet all of these goals, resulting in an effective campaign delivered on time and on budget.

The Results:

Using Unbounce landing page testing software, we ran multiple conversion rate test and improved the campaigns conversion rate by 70% (7.58% to 10.75%) over the course of the two months.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”15px”][vc_column_text]As you can see from the chart at the right, as we increased the campaign’s conversion rate we were able to reduce the CPA by nearly 10% ($46.01 to $41.61). Through our testing with Unbounce and diligent Google Ads account management we were able to achieve a CPA that is lower than the Education industry’s average of $42.13 – according to WordStream.

two people reviewing campaign

Exploring Google Ads Part 2: Display, Shopping, and Video

In our last blog, we explored the basics of Search Listing Ads and when they’re most effective. In addition to search listing ads, there are a number of other advertising options available in Google Ads.

Previous Post: Exploring Google Ads Part 1: Search Listing Ads ➢

Display Ads

Display Ads are one of the most popular forms of PPC advertising options in Google Ads. They appear on the Google Display Network, which is a collection of websites – including specific Google-owned websites like Google Finance, Gmail, Blogger, and YouTube – that show Google ads.

The Google Display Network lets you place ads on news sites, blogs and other niche sites across the internet to reach more potential customers. They are very effective for attracting new customers with eye-catching ads. Great display ad campaigns start with great ads. You can create your own in minutes using the free display ad builder in Google Ads tools.

There is a variety of ad formats and sizes which I’ve detailed below:

  • Text Ads – Similar in appearance to search listing ads, but appear within a website instead of the search engine.
  • Image Ads – Frequently referred to as banner ads; they can be used in a variety of sizes.
  • Rich Media Ads – Ads with animation or other types of motion (.GIFs)
  • Video Ads

There are a variety of targeting options available for display ads that can be used in combinations or separately. The most effective ads and targeting are dependent on the goals of your display ad campaign. Some common targeting tactics include:

  • Contextual targeting – Matches relevant site content
    • Keywords (based on keywords used in a site’s content that is part of the Google display network)
    • Topics
  • Audiences – Reaches specific groups of people
    • Audiences (affinity audiences & in-market audiences)
    • Interest categories
    • Re-marketing
    • Demographics (age, gender, and marital status)
  • Managed placement targeting – Selects specific websites and apps
    • Placements (target and bid on specific websites)

We find that clients are most interested in image re-marketing display advertising. While this may be the most common type of display ad used, they all are viable options. The “best” type and targeting for display advertising is dependent on your messaging and goals.

Shopping Ads

Shopping Ads or PLAs (Product Listing Ads), drive traffic and sales to your website or store by showing online shoppers rich images of and details about your product. They appear in their own box on Google search results above or to the right of organic search results. Google shows the customer a picture of your item, its price, and your store name. Customers who click on the ad are directed to your website.

With Product Listing Ads, you’re charged only if someone clicks on your ad and lands on your website. In other words, you only pay when Google directs a customer to your store. Product Listing Ads are created by submitting product data feed in a Google Merchant Center account. Once the data feed is submitted and approved, the PLA campaign can be managed within your Google Ads account.

Shopping Ads are very effective for companies with e-commerce website who have a large product offering. If you sell under 500 products, you may have trouble getting visibility on Google Shopping. However, if you sell products in categories like automotive supplies, clothing, tools, or furniture and you’re not listing on Google Shopping, you’re likely missing out on significant revenue. Google Shopping Ads dominate for online merchants and tend to generate the most traffic and profit for e-commerce sites.

If you sell products in categories such as automotive supplies, clothing, tools, or furniture and you’re not utilizing Google Shopping ads, you’re likely missing out on significant revenue.

YouTube Advertising

With YouTube ad placements your ads either appear before videos play, beside videos playing, or in search results. The two types of ad placements offered on YouTube are:

  • In-stream – TrueView in-stream ads run on videos on YouTube watch pages or within Google Display Network videos, games, and apps. After five seconds, the viewer has an option to skip the ad.
  • In-display – TrueView in-display video ads appear only on YouTube Watch pages and on the Watch pages of video publishers on the Google Display Network. The appearance of the ad will vary, depending on which ad sizes and ad formats that content publishers support. For example, YouTube is a key content publisher within the network, and these ads will function and appear in the same way across the YouTube site.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]YouTube Ads Formats:

  • Display – Appears to the right of the feature video and above the video suggestions list. For larger players, this ad may appear below the player. (300×250 and 300×60 Desktop Only)
  • Overlay – Semi-transparent overlay ads that appear on the lower 20% portion of your video. 480×70 (Flash) or text (Desktop Only)
  • Skippable Video – Skippable video ads allow viewers to skip ads after 5 seconds, if they choose. Inserted before, during, or after the main video.
  • Non-Skippable Video – Non-skippable video ads must be watched before your video can be viewed. Long non-skippable video ads may be up to 30 seconds long. These ads can appear before, during, or after the main video.

YouTube Ads allow you to get your message in front of individuals searching for, or viewing, specific YouTube videos. They are a good option for most companies because the CPC (cost-per-click) is lower than search and the ads are very effective when used correctly.

Related Post: PPC vs. SEO: Which One Should I Focus On? ➢

At the end of the day, the right targeting, ad formats, and network are dependent on your ad’s messaging and your campaign’s objectives.

–> For instant access to Parqa’s blogs, follow us on Twitter at @ParqaMarketing and on LinkedIn!

man typing in Google on his laptop

Exploring Google AdWords Part 1: Search Listing Ads

Throughout its colorful history, paid advertising has proven to be a legitimate source of lead generation, sales, and revenue for businesses. Now, online paid advertising (more specifically pay-per-click PPC advertising) has demonstrated its utility as an excellent channel of marketing for any company.

So why does PPC advertising often become soiled, solely focused on search marketing advertising, and even more so, on Google Ads search listing ads?

Most often, this happens when businesses start investing in PPC advertising with little or no knowledge of all that Google Ads has to offer. There is a lot more to Google Ads than just your basic search listing ads. So let’s take a look at an overview of the different types of paid advertising that are available through Google Ads.

  • Search Listing Ads (SLAs)These ads appear next to or above relevant search results and allow you to reach customers on all the devices they use to search for information.
  • Dynamic Search Listing Ads (DSLAs)These ads use the content found in your website to target searches, rather than using keywords. They include headlines that are dynamically generated from the both the search and your site’s content. They then lead to a dynamically selected landing page on your site.
  • Remarketing Search Listing Ads (RSLAs)This is a feature that allows you to customize your search ads for people who have already visited your website.

Search Listing Ads

Google Ads’ basic search listing ads are the foundation of many of our online advertising campaigns. Google continues to improve standard  search listing ads and they have evolved over the course of the last few years with ad extensions. I use the ad call extensions, ad sitelinks extensions, and the ad call-out ad extensions the most frequently, but we’ll look at those further another time.

In addition to the basic search listing ads there are two other types of search marketing campaigns that can be created in Google Ads, dynamic search listing ads and re-marketing search listing ads.

Dynamic Search Listing Ads

These ads are extremely useful for companies with websites that have a large number of products or services. Businesses with websites that contain a lot of content or well-structured URLs will typically see the best results with dynamic search listing ads.

With these ads, Google writes your ad headline and sets the destination URL based on your website’s content. This sometimes limits how specific the description lines in the ad copy can be.

Also, negative keywords and exclusions are important in narrowing the targeting of your dynamic search campaigns. Left unmonitored and unfiltered (or incorrectly configured) dynamic search listing ad campaigns can run wild and be expensive. However, they are extremely successful when they are correctly configured, managed, and optimized.

Re-marketing Search Listing Ads

These provide companies with a method of targeting previous visitors to their websites with tailored search listing ads. We find RSLA campaigns are most effective when used to target past buyers as they search for other products you sell on Google. They are also helpful in targeting people when they leave your site without buying anything and continue looking for what they need on Google’s search engine. Both the methods above are very effective for large e-commerce websites.

There are many other forms of advertising available in Google Ads. In our next blog, we’ll discuss Display, Shopping Campaigns (Product Listing Ads), and YouTube.

Next Post: Exploring Google Ads Part 2: Display, Shopping, and Video ➢

–> For instant access to Parqa’s blogs, follow us on Twitter at @ParqaMarketing and on LinkedIn!

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